The goal of this note is to show that OLS and IV are just an application of GMM.
# Setting for R
options(rgl.debug = TRUE)
package_list <- c("knitr", "tidyverse", "numDeriv", "matlib",
"MASS", "matrixStats", "Matrix",
"doParallel", "foreach",
"microbenchmark", "reticulate", "JuliaCall")
package_check <- function(package) {
if (!require(package, quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages(package, repos = "")
lapply(package_list, package_check)
lapply(package_list, library, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
# Setting for R Markdown
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# Setting for using Julia in R Markdown
knit_engines$set(julia = JuliaCall::eng_juliacall)
julia_command('Pkg; Pkg.activate("./")')
# Setting for using Python in R Markdown
## In Julia, you can activate virtual environment you compiled in REPL
# using Pkg; Pkg.activate("./..")
## Importing packages...
using CSV, Random, LinearAlgebra, Optim, ForwardDiff, DataFrames, Printf,
Distributions, Statistics, HypothesisTests, SharedArrays, TimeSeries
## Windows: in your terminal, type the following to activate your virtual environment with quotation marks:
# ".venv/Scripts/activate"
## If you want to deactivate the virtual environment, type:
# deactivate
## If you want to install a package:
# py -m pip install [package]
## If you wnat to upgrade a package:
# py -m pip install --upgrade [package]
## Importing packages...
import sys, os, datetime
import matplotlib as mlt, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import autograd.numpy as np, scipy as sci, pandas as pd
from autograd import grad, jacobian, hessian
from autograd.scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import statsmodels.api as sm
import random
from numpy.random import seed, rand, randn
from numpy.linalg import inv
Let’s suppose we are given a model and iid data \(\{(y_i,x_i)\}_{i=1}^{N}\). Let’s also suppose that the model suggests that a function of orthogonality conditions \(f_i(\beta):=f(Y_i,X_i,\beta)\) is sufficient to identify the parameters of the DGP: \[ \mathbb{E}\left(f_i(\beta)\right)=0. \]
Let \(\beta\) be a \(k\times1\) vector, \(f_i(\beta)\) be a \(l\times1\) orthogonality conditions, and \(W\) be a \(l\times l\) positive definite weighting matrix. Define the GMM criterion function \(J(\beta)\) as \[ J(\beta) = N \left(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N f_i(\beta)\right)' W \left(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N f_i(\beta)\right). \] The GMM estimator is \[ \hat{\beta}_{gmm} = \underset{\beta}{\arg\min}\; J(\beta). \]
Under general regularity conditions, \(\sqrt{N}(\hat{\beta}_{gmm}-\beta_0) \xrightarrow[]{d} N(0,V_\beta)\) where \[ \begin{align*} V_\beta &= (Q'WQ)^{-1}(Q'W\Omega WQ)(Q'WQ)^{-1}\\ \Omega &= \mathbb{E}(f_i f_i') \\ Q &= \mathbb{E}\left[\frac{\partial}{\partial \beta'}f_i(\beta)\right]. \end{align*} \] If \(W\) is efficient, \(V_\beta = (Q'\Omega^{-1} Q)^{-1}\).
Note that when you compute standard errors for \(\hat{\beta}_{gmm}\), you must divide \(V_\beta\) by \(N\). \(V_\beta\) is the variance for \(\sqrt{N}(\hat{\beta}_{gmm}-\beta)\), not \(\hat{\beta}_{gmm}\) .
In order to construct an efficient GMM estimator, we need to know what is the optimal \(W\) in the criterion function. If the optimal weighting matrix \(W=\Omega^{-1}\) is unknown, we can estimate \(W\) with a GMM with any weighting matrix, say, \(W=I\). Then, we can run the GMM routine again with \(W=\hat{\Omega}^{-1}\) based on our first stage estimate \(\beta_{gmm}\). This is called two-step GMM.
One could also iterate updating the weighting matrix as many times as you wish until \(\hat{\beta}_{gmm}\) converges. This is called an Iterated GMM. Note, however, two-step GMM is already asymptotically efficient. You might want to use iterated GMM if you think the estimates are suffering from having a small sample.
We can now program the GMM estimation routine:
We will see how GMM works in an OLS setting. Let’s construct a hypothetical data set:
dgp_ols <- function(n, b, s) {
## Input
# N: the number of observations
# b: parameters for the DGP
# s: std dev for the error term, "e"
set.seed(42) # a random number generator for replicability
x <- matrix(c(rep(1, n), rep(rnorm(n * (length(b) - 1)))), ncol = length(b))
e <- s * rnorm(n)
y <- x %*% b + e
df <- data.frame(x, y) # x1-x"length(b)-1"
function DGP_ols(N,b,s)
## Input
# N: the number of observations
# b: parameters for the DGP
# s: std dev for the error term, "e"
Random.seed!(42) # rng for replicability
X = [ones(N,1) randn(N,length(b)-1)]
e = s * randn(N)
y = X * b + e
df = [X y]
return df
def DGP_ols(N,b,s):
## Input
# N: the number of observations
# b: DGP parameters
# s: std dev for the error term
np.random.seed(42) # a rng for replicability
X = np.c_[np.ones(N),randn(N,len(b)-1)]
e = s * randn(N)
y = X @ b + e
df = np.c_[X,y]
return df
Below is how R, Julia, and Python would generate a dataset. For comparability, I will use the dataset R created.
n <- 10000
b_ols <- c(0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.25)
s <- 1.5
df_ols <- dgp_ols(n, b_ols, s)
N = 10_000;
b_ols = Array{Float64}([0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.25]);
s = 1.5;
df_ols = DGP_ols(N,b_ols,s);
N = 10000
b_ols = [0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.25]
s = 1.5
df_ols = DGP_ols(N,b_ols,s)
write.csv(df_ols, "./ols_dataset.csv", row.names = FALSE)
df_ols = Matrix{Float64}(DataFrame(CSV.File("./ols_dataset.csv")));
df_ols = pd.read_csv("./ols_dataset.csv").to_numpy()
The size of the data set is \(N=\) 10000, the parameters of the DGP are \(\beta=\) (0.5, 1.2, 1.5, 1.25). The idiosyncratic error has a normal distributuion of mean 0 and standard deviation of 1.5, but we are not estimating this. \[ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i,1} + \beta_2 x_{i,2} + \varepsilon_i,\quad \varepsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2) \text{ for }i=1,\ldots,N \] We all know what \(\beta_{ols}\) looks like: \((X'X)^{-1}X'Y\) where \(X\) is a \(N\times\) 4 matrix of \(x_i\)’s and \(Y\) is a \(N\times1\) vector of \(y_i\)’s. We also know the formula for covariance and thus the standard errors of the estimates. Let’s code them just for fun:
ols_formula <- function(df) {
## Input
# df[1]-df[end-1]: independent variables X
# df[end]: dependent variable y
## Output
# b_ols: beta hat
# sigma_ols: std err of beta hat
x <- as.matrix(df[, seq_len(ncol(df) - 1)])
y <- df[, ncol(df)]
inv_xx <- matlib::inv(t(x) %*% x)
b_ols <- inv_xx %*% t(x) %*% y
e_ols <- y - x %*% b_ols
xe <- x * rep(e_ols, ncol(x))
# V_HC0 - White-Heteroskedasticity-Robust VCov
var_ols <- inv_xx %*% (t(xe) %*% xe) %*% inv_xx
sig_ols <- sqrt(diag(var_ols))
return(list("b_hat" = b_ols, "sigma_hat" = sig_ols))
function ols_formula(df)
## Input
# df[1]-df[end-1]: independent variables X
# df[end]: dependent variable y
## Output
# b_ols: beta hat
# sigma_ols: std err of beta hat
X = df[:, 1:end-1]
y = df[:, end]
invXX = inv(X'X)
b_ols = invXX * X'y
e_ols = y - X * b_ols
Xe = @. X * e_ols # elt-wise mult
# V_HC0 - White-Heteroskedasticity-Robust VCov
var_ols = invXX * (Xe' * Xe) * invXX
sig_ols = sqrt.(diag(var_ols))
return [b_ols, sig_ols]
def ols_formula(df):
## Input
# df[:,:-1]: independent variables X
# df[:,-1]: depenpendent variable y
## Output
# b_ols: beta hat
# sig_ols: std err of beta hat
X = df[:,:-1]
y = df[:,-1]
invXX = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X)
beta_ols = invXX @ X.T @ y
epsilon_ols = y - X @ beta_ols
Xe = X * np.tile(epsilon_ols,(np.shape(X)[1],1)).T
# V_HC0 - White-Heteroskedasticity-Robust VCov
Var_ols = invXX @ (Xe.T @ Xe ) @ invXX
sig_ols = np.sqrt(np.diag(Var_ols))
return [beta_ols, sig_ols]
Let’s take \(Y\) and \(X\) we defined above and find \(\beta\) via GMM. You will see that they are exactly equal to each other. Let \(f_i(\beta):=f(Y_i,X_i,\beta)\) be the function of orthogonality conditions evaluated at \(i\)’s covariates. The orthogonality condition for OLS is \(\mathbb{E}(\varepsilon_i X_i) = 0\), where \(\varepsilon_i = Y_i - X_i'\beta\) and the expectation is taken over \(i\). In the GMM framework, we wish to find \(\beta\) that satisfies: \[ 0 = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}f_i(\beta) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \varepsilon_i X_i= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} (Y_i - X_i'\beta) \times X_i. \] Notice there are \(k \times 1\) orthogonality conditions: \(\varepsilon_i\) is a scalar and \(X_i\) is a \(k\times1\) vector. Thus, the above equation is an “element-wise” average of a vector-valued function.
What OLS really does is minimizing the sum of squared residuals, \(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \varepsilon_i^2\) where \(\varepsilon_i=Y_i-X_i'\beta\). The first order condition of the minimization problem is found by taking a gradient of the sum of squared residuals (as a function of \(\beta\), \(X\), and \(Y\)) with respect to \(\beta\). \[ \frac{\partial}{\partial\beta'}\left(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N}Y_i^2 - \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N} 2 X_i Y_i \beta + \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N} \beta' X_i X_i' \beta \right) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N}2(X_iX_i'\beta - X_i Y_i) = 0 \\ \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i}^{N}(Y_i - X_i'\beta) \times X_i = 0 \] This is exactly the identifying moments that GMM uses.
ols_gmm <- function(df, w = diag(length(b_ols)), two_step=FALSE) {
# Data
n <- nrow(df)
x <- as.matrix(df[, seq_len(ncol(df) - 1)])
y <- df[, ncol(df)]
# Orthogonality conditions
f_ortho <- function(b, y, x) {
return(rep(y - x %*% b, ncol(x)) * x)
f_sum <- function(b) {
return(colSums(f_ortho(b, y, x)))
# GMM criterion function
gmm_obj <- function(b, w) {
return(n * t(f_sum(b) / n) %*% w %*% (f_sum(b) / n))
# Asymp. Variance
gmm_var <- function(n, q, omega, w) {
return(matlib::inv(t(q) %*% w %*% q) %*%
(t(q) %*% w %*% omega %*% w %*% q) %*%
matlib::inv(t(q) %*% w %*% q) / n)
# Optimization
gmm_optim1 <- optim(c(rnorm(length(b_ols))), gmm_obj,
gr = NULL, w, method = "BFGS")
gmm_beta1 <- gmm_optim1$par
gmm_q1 <- numDeriv::jacobian(func = f_sum, x = gmm_beta1) / n
gmm_omega1 <- t(f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, x)) %*%
f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, x) / n
gmm_var1 <- gmm_var(n, gmm_q1, gmm_omega1, w)
gmm_sigma1 <- sqrt(diag(gmm_var1))
# One-step vs Two-step
if (two_step == FALSE) {
return(list("b_hat" = gmm_beta1, "sigma_hat" = gmm_sigma1))
if (two_step == TRUE) {
gmm_optim2 <- optim(c(rnorm(length(b))), gmm_obj, gr = NULL,
w <- matlib::inv(gmm_omega1), method = "BFGS")
gmm_beta2 <- gmm_optim2$par
gmm_q2 <- numDeriv::jacobian(func = f_sum, x = gmm_beta2) / n
gmm_omega2 <- t(f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, x)) %*%
f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, x) / n
gmm_var2 <- gmm_var(n, gmm_q2, gmm_omega2, matlib::inv(gmm_omega2))
gmm_sigma2 <- sqrt(diag(gmm_var2))
return(list("b_hat_1" = gmm_beta1,
"sigma_hat_1" = gmm_sigma1,
"b_hat_2" = gmm_beta2,
"sigma_hat_2" = gmm_sigma2))
function ols_gmm(df, W=I, two_step=false)
# Data
N = size(df)[1]
X = df[:,1:end-1]
y = df[:,end]
# Orthogonality conditions
#%% OLS via GMM
f_ortho(b, y, X) = (y - X * b) .* X;
f_sum(b) = vec(sum(f_ortho(b, y, X),dims=1));
gmm_obj(b, W) = N * (f_sum(b)/N)' * W * (f_sum(b)/N);
gmm_var(N, Q, Omega, W) =
inv(Q' * W * Q) * (Q' * W * Omega * W * Q) * inv(Q' * W * Q) / N
gmm_optim1 = optimize(b -> gmm_obj(b,W), randn(size(df)[2]-1), BFGS(), autodiff = :forward);
gmm_beta1 = gmm_optim1.minimizer
gmm_Q1 = ForwardDiff.jacobian(b -> f_sum(b) , gmm_beta1) / N
gmm_Omega1 = f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X)'f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X) / N
gmm_var1 = gmm_var(N, gmm_Q1, gmm_Omega1, W)
gmm_sigma1 = sqrt.(diag(gmm_var1))
if two_step == false
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1]
W = inv(gmm_Omega1) # optimal weighting matrix
gmm_optim2 = optimize(b -> gmm_obj(b,W), randn(size(df)[2]-1), BFGS(), autodiff = :forward);
gmm_beta2 = gmm_optim2.minimizer
gmm_Q2 = ForwardDiff.jacobian(b -> f_sum(b) , gmm_beta2) / N
gmm_Omega2 = f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X)'f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X) / N
gmm_var2 = gmm_var(N, gmm_Q2, gmm_Omega2, W)
gmm_sigma2 = sqrt.(diag(gmm_var2))
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1, gmm_beta2, gmm_sigma2]
def ols_gmm(df,W = np.identity(len(b_ols)),two_step=False):
# Data
N = np.shape(df)[0]
X = df[:,:-1]
y = df[:,-1]
# Orthogonality conditions
def f_ortho(b,y,X):
return X * np.tile((y - X @ b),(np.shape(X)[1],1)).T
def f_sum(b):
return np.sum(f_ortho(b,y,X),axis=0)
# GMM criterion function
def gmm_obj(b,W):
return N * (f_sum(b).T/N) @ W @ (f_sum(b)/N)
# Asymptotic Variance
def gmm_Var(N,Q,Omega,W):
return inv(Q.T @ W @ Q) @ (Q.T @ W @ Omega @ W @ Q) @ inv(Q.T @ W @ Q) / N
# Estimation
gmm_optim1 = minimize(gmm_obj, randn(np.shape(X)[1]), args=W)
gmm_beta1 = gmm_optim1.x
gmm_Q1 = jacobian(f_sum)(gmm_beta1) / N
gmm_Omega1 = f_ortho(gmm_beta1,y,X).T @ f_ortho(gmm_beta1,y,X) / N
gmm_Var1 = gmm_Var(N,gmm_Q1,gmm_Omega1,W)
gmm_sigma1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(gmm_Var1))
# One-step vs Two-step
if two_step==False:
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1]
W = inv(gmm_Omega1)
gmm_optim2 = minimize(gmm_obj, np.random.randn(np.shape(X)[1]),
gmm_beta2 = gmm_optim2.x
gmm_Q2 = jacobian(f_sum)(gmm_optim2.x) / N
gmm_Omega2 = f_ortho(gmm_beta2,y,X).T @ f_ortho(gmm_beta2,y,X) / N
gmm_Var2 = gmm_Var(N,gmm_Q2,gmm_Omega2,W)
gmm_sigma2 = np.sqrt(np.diag(gmm_Var2))
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1, gmm_betay2, gmm_sigma2]
Let’s run the code and see the result. As we expect, OLS and GMM estimation give us the same estimates.
result_ols_formula <- ols_formula(df_ols)
result_ols_gmm <- ols_gmm(df_ols)
print_ols(b_ols, result_ols_formula, result_ols_gmm)
## DGP : b1 b2 b3 b4
## : 0.5000 1.2000 1.5000 1.2500
## Formula :
## b_hat : 0.4972 1.2012 1.5033 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
## GMM :
## b_hat : 0.4971 1.2012 1.5032 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
result_ols_formula = ols_formula(df_ols);
result_ols_gmm = ols_gmm(df_ols, I, false);
print_ols(b_ols, result_ols_formula, result_ols_gmm)
## DGP : b1 b2 b3 b4
## : 0.5000 1.2000 1.5000 1.2500
## Formula :
## b_hat : 0.4971 1.2012 1.5032 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
## GMM :
## b_hat : 0.4971 1.2012 1.5032 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
result_ols_formula = ols_formula(df_ols)
result_ols_gmm = ols_gmm(df_ols, two_step = False) # W = identity
print_ols(b_ols, result_ols_formula, result_ols_gmm)
## DGP : b0 b1 b2 b3
## : 0.5000 1.2000 1.5000 1.2500
## Formula :
## b_hat : 0.4971 1.2012 1.5032 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
## GMM :
## b_hat : 0.4971 1.2012 1.5032 1.2371
## s_hat : ( 0.0151) ( 0.0152) ( 0.0149) ( 0.0150)
Let’s scale up a little bit and consider linear instrumental variable estimation. 2SLS in the over-identified case is what we will use in GMM.
If we have more instruments than the number of endogenous variables, we call the model is over-identified. In the example below, I set \(X_2\) to be the endogenous variable and provide 2 instruments, \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\). \[ \begin{align*} \mu(X_0,X_1,X_2,Z_1,Z_2,\varepsilon) &= (1 \; 0 \; 0 \; 0 \; 0 \; 0)^\prime \\ \Sigma(X_0,X_1,X_2,Z_1,Z_2,\varepsilon) &= \begin{bmatrix} 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 2.0 & 0.3 & -.4 & 0.5 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.3 & 1.0 & 0.4 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & -.4 & 0.4 & 2.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.5 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 3.0 \end{bmatrix}\\ (X_0,X_1,X_2,Z_1,Z_2,\varepsilon) &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu,\Sigma) \end{align*} \]
The data consist of independent variables X1-X3, instrument variables Z1-Z2, and dependent variable y:
For comparability, I will use the dataset R created.
dgp_liv <- function(n, b_liv) {
mu <- c(1.0, rep(0.0, 5))
# X1 X2 X3 Z1 Z2 e
covar <- matrix(c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.3, -.4, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.4, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, -.4, 0.4, 2.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0),
nrow = 6)
df <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu, covar, tol = 1e-8);
x <- df[, 1:3]
e <- df[, ncol(df)]
y <- x %*% b_liv + e
df <- data.frame(df[, seq_len(ncol(df) - 1)], y) # x1-x"length(b)-1"
df <- df %>% dplyr::rename(Z1 = X4, Z2 = X5) # nolint
return(list("df" = df, "covar" = covar))
function DGP_liv(N, b_liv)
mu = zeros(5)
# Covariance for X2 X3 Z1 Z2 e # We append X1 later in Julia
covar = [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;
0.0 2.0 0.3 -.4 0.5;
0.0 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.0;
0.0 -.4 0.4 2.0 0.0;
0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 3.0];
df = [ones(N) transpose(rand(MvNormal(mu,covar),N))]
X = df[:, 1:3]
e = df[:, end]
y = X * b_liv + e
df = DataFrame(
X1 = df[:,1], X2 = df[:,2], X3 = df[:,3],
Z1 = df[:,4], Z2 = df[:,5], y = y)
return [df, covar]
def DGP_liv(N,b):
mu = np.r_[1.0,np.repeat(0.0,5)]
# X0 X1 X2 Z1 Z2 e
covar = np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],
df = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu,covar,N)
X = df[:,:3]
e = df[:,-1]
y = X @ b + e
df = np.c_[df[:,:-1],y]
return [df, covar]
# R
n <- 10000
b_liv <- c(0.5, 1.25, -1.5)
df_liv <- dgp_liv(n, b_liv)$df
df_liv_covar <- dgp_liv(n, b_liv)$covar
x <- as.matrix(df_liv[, seq_len(length(b_liv))])
z <- as.matrix(df_liv[, (length(b_liv) + 1):(ncol(df_liv) - 1)])
z_z1 <- matrix(c(x[, 1], x[, 2], z[, 1]), nrow = n)
z_z2 <- matrix(c(x[, 1], x[, 2], z[, 2]), nrow = n)
z_overid <- matrix(c(x[, 1], x[, 2], z[, 1], z[, 2]), nrow = n)
y <- df_liv[, ncol(df_liv)]
write.csv(df_liv, "./liv_dataset.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# Julia
N = 10_000;
b_liv = [0.5, 1.25, -1.5];
df_liv = DataFrame(CSV.File("./liv_dataset.csv"));
# df_liv = DGP_liv(N, b_liv)[1];
df_liv_covar = DGP_liv(N, b_liv)[2];
X = Matrix(df_liv[:, 1:length(b_liv)]);
Z = Matrix(df_liv[:, (length(b_liv)+1):end-1]);
Z_Z1 = Matrix(df_liv[:, [:X1, :X2, :Z1]]);
Z_Z2 = Matrix(df_liv[:, [:X1, :X2, :Z2]]);
Z_overid = Matrix(df_liv[:, [:X1, :X2, :Z1, :Z2]]);
y = df_liv[:, end];
# Python
N = 10000
b_liv = [0.5, 1.25, -1.5]
df_liv = pd.read_csv("./liv_dataset.csv").to_numpy()
# df_liv = DGP_liv(N, b_liv)[0]
df_liv_covar = DGP_liv(N, b_liv)[1]
X = df_liv[:, 0:len(b_liv)]
Z = df_liv[:, (len(b_liv)):-1]
Z_Z1 = df_liv[:, [0, 1, 3]]
Z_Z2 = df_liv[:, [0, 1, 4]]
Z_overid = df_liv[:, [0, 1, 3, 4]]
y = df_liv[:, -1]
Again, let’s code LIV regression model for fun: \(\beta_{iv}=(X'Z)^{-1}Z'Y\).
liv_formula <- function(x, z, y) {
inv_xz <- matlib::inv(t(x) %*% z)
b_iv <- inv_xz %*% t(z) %*% y
e_iv <- y - x %*% b_iv
ze <- z * rep(e_iv, ncol(z))
var_iv <- inv_xz %*% t(ze) %*% ze %*% inv_xz
sig_iv <- sqrt(diag(var_iv))
return(list("b_hat" = b_iv, "sigma_hat" = sig_iv))
function liv_formula(X, Z, y)
invXZ = inv(X'Z)
b_iv = invXZ * Z'y
e_iv = y - X * b_iv
Ze = Z .* e_iv
var_iv = invXZ * (Ze' * Ze) * invXZ
sig_iv = sqrt.(diag(var_iv))
return [b_iv, sig_iv]
def liv_formula(X, Z, y):
invXZ = inv(X.T @ Z)
b_iv = invXZ @ Z.T @ y
e_iv = y - X @ b_iv
Ze = Z * np.tile(e_iv,(len(b_iv),1)).T
var_iv = invXZ @ (Ze.T @ Ze) @ invXZ
sig_iv = np.sqrt(np.diag(var_iv))
return [b_iv, sig_iv]
In 2SLS regression, we know we can use weighting matrix in the formula so that we can make the estimates more efficient. We know the closed-form solution to this: \(\beta_{2sls}=((X'Z)W(Z'X))^{-1} (X'Z) W Z' Y\). In LIV, we know that the optimal weight is \(W=(Z'Z)^{-1}\).
liv_2sls <- function(x, z, y) {
q_xz <- t(x) %*% z
q_zx <- t(z) %*% x
q_zz <- t(z) %*% z # The inverse of this is our 'W'
b_2sls <- matlib::inv(q_xz %*% inv(q_zz) %*% q_zx) %*%
q_xz %*% matlib::inv(q_zz) %*% t(z) %*% y
e_2sls <- y - x %*% b_2sls
ze_2sls <- z * rep(e_2sls, ncol(z))
omega_2sls <- t(ze_2sls) %*% ze_2sls
var_2sls <- inv(q_xz %*% inv(q_zz) %*% q_zx) %*%
(q_xz %*% inv(q_zz) %*% omega_2sls %*% inv(q_zz) %*% q_zx) %*%
inv(q_xz %*% inv(q_zz) %*% q_zx)
sig_2sls <- sqrt(diag(var_2sls))
return(list("b_hat" = b_2sls, "sigma_hat" = sig_2sls))
function liv_2sls(X, Z, y)
Q_xz = X'Z
Q_zx = Z'X
Q_zz = Z'Z # The inverse of this is our 'W'
b_2sls = inv(Q_xz * inv(Q_zz) * Q_zx) *
Q_xz * inv(Q_zz) * Z'y
e_2sls = y - X * b_2sls
Ze_2sls = Z .* e_2sls
Omega_2sls = Ze_2sls'Ze_2sls
var_2sls =
inv(Q_xz * inv(Q_zz) * Q_zx) *
(Q_xz * inv(Q_zz) * Omega_2sls * inv(Q_zz) * Q_zx) *
inv(Q_xz * inv(Q_zz) * Q_zx)
sig_2sls = sqrt.(diag(var_2sls))
return [b_2sls, sig_2sls]
def liv_2sls(X, Z, y):
Q_xz = X.T @ Z
Q_zx = Z.T @ X
Q_zz = Z.T @ Z # The inverse of this is our 'W'
b_2sls = (inv(Q_xz @ inv(Q_zz) @ Q_zx) @
Q_xz @ inv(Q_zz) @ Z.T @ y)
e_2sls = y - X @ b_2sls
Ze_2sls = Z * np.tile(e_2sls,(np.shape(Z)[1],1)).T
Omega_2sls = Ze_2sls.T @ Ze_2sls
var_2sls = (
inv(Q_xz @ inv(Q_zz) @ Q_zx) @
(Q_xz @ inv(Q_zz) @ Omega_2sls @ inv(Q_zz) @ Q_zx) @
inv(Q_xz @ inv(Q_zz) @ Q_zx))
sig_2sls = np.sqrt(np.diag(var_2sls))
return [b_2sls, sig_2sls]
Let’s see how this is applied in GMM framework. \(f_i(\beta):=f(Y_i,X_i,Z_i,\beta)\) be the function of orthogonality conditions. The orthogonality condition for LIV is \(\mathbb{E}(\varepsilon_i Z_i) = 0\), where \(\varepsilon_i = Y_i - X_i'\beta\) and the expectation is taken over \(i\). In the GMM framework, we wish to find \(\beta\) that satisfies below: \[ 0 = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}f_i(\beta) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} \varepsilon_i Z_i= \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} (Y_i - X_i'\beta) \times Z_i. \] If we use both \(Z_1\) and \(Z_2\), then we have 4 orthogonality conditions and 3 parameters to estimate. It is almost surely impossible to find \(\beta\) where the moment is zero. Thus, we just find \(\beta\) that makes the moment as close to zero as possible. What overidentifying restrictions buy us is that we can introduce some positive definite weighting matrix \(W\) and make the estimate more efficient.
liv_gmm <- function(x, z, y, w = diag(ncol(z)), two_step = FALSE) {
n <- nrow(x)
# Orthogonality conditions
f_ortho <- function(b, y, x, z) {
return(rep(y - x %*% b, ncol(z)) * z)
f_sum <- function(b) {
return(colSums(f_ortho(b, y, x, z)))
# GMM criterion function
gmm_obj <- function(b, w) {
return(n * t(f_sum(b) / n) %*% w %*% (f_sum(b) / n))
# Asymp. Variance
gmm_var <- function(n, q, omega, w) {
return(matlib::inv(t(q) %*% w %*% q) %*%
(t(q) %*% w %*% omega %*% w %*% q) %*%
matlib::inv(t(q) %*% w %*% q) / n)
# Optimization
gmm_optim1 <- optim(c(rnorm(ncol(x))), gmm_obj, gr = NULL,
w, method = "BFGS")
gmm_beta1 <- gmm_optim1$par
gmm_q1 <- numDeriv::jacobian(func = f_sum, x = gmm_beta1) / n
gmm_omega1 <- t(f_ortho(gmm_optim1$par, y, x, z)) %*%
f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, x, z) / n
gmm_var1 <- gmm_var(n, gmm_q1, gmm_omega1, w)
gmm_sigma1 <- sqrt(diag(gmm_var1))
# One-step vs Two-step
if (two_step == FALSE) {
return(list("b_hat_1" = gmm_beta1, "sigma_hat_1" = gmm_sigma1))
if (two_step == TRUE) {
optimal_w <- matlib::inv(gmm_omega1)
gmm_optim2 <- optim(c(rnorm(ncol(x))), gmm_obj, gr = NULL,
w <- optimal_w, method = "BFGS")
gmm_beta2 <- gmm_optim2$par
gmm_q2 <- numDeriv::jacobian(func = f_sum, x = gmm_beta2) / n
gmm_omega2 <- t(f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, x, z)) %*%
f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, x, z) / n
gmm_var2 <- gmm_var(n, gmm_q2, gmm_omega2, optimal_w)
gmm_sigma2 <- sqrt(diag(gmm_var2))
return(list("b_hat_1" = gmm_beta1,
"sigma_hat_1" = gmm_sigma1,
"b_hat_2" = gmm_beta2,
"sigma_hat_2" = gmm_sigma2))
function liv_gmm(X, Z, y, W = I, two_step=false)
# Data
N = size(X)[1]
# Orthogonality conditions
f_ortho(b, y, X, Z) = (y - X * b) .* Z;
f_sum(b) = vec(sum(f_ortho(b, y, X, Z),dims=1));
gmm_obj(b, W) = N * (f_sum(b)/N)' * W * (f_sum(b)/N);
gmm_var(N, Q, Omega, W) =
inv(Q' * W * Q) * (Q' * W * Omega * W * Q) * inv(Q' * W * Q) / N
gmm_optim1 = optimize(b -> gmm_obj(b,W), randn(size(X)[2]), BFGS(), autodiff = :forward);
gmm_beta1 = gmm_optim1.minimizer
gmm_Q1 = ForwardDiff.jacobian(b -> f_sum(b) , gmm_beta1) / N
gmm_Omega1 = f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X, Z)'f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X, Z) / N
gmm_var1 = gmm_var(N, gmm_Q1, gmm_Omega1, W)
gmm_sigma1 = sqrt.(diag(gmm_var1))
if two_step == false
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1]
W = inv(gmm_Omega1) # optimal weighting matrix
gmm_optim2 = optimize(b -> gmm_obj(b, W), randn(size(X)[2]),
BFGS(), autodiff = :forward);
gmm_beta2 = gmm_optim2.minimizer
gmm_Q2 = ForwardDiff.jacobian(b -> f_sum(b) , gmm_beta2) / N
gmm_Omega2 = f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X, Z)'f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X, Z) / N
gmm_var2 = gmm_var(N, gmm_Q2, gmm_Omega2, W)
gmm_sigma2 = sqrt.(diag(gmm_var2))
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1, gmm_beta2, gmm_sigma2]
def liv_gmm(X, Z, y, W = np.identity(np.shape(Z)[1]), two_step=False):
# Data
N = np.shape(X)[0]
# Orthogonality conditions
def f_ortho(b, y, X, Z):
return Z * np.tile((y - X @ b),(np.shape(Z)[1],1)).T
def f_sum(b):
return np.sum(f_ortho(b, y, X, Z),axis=0)
# GMM criterion function
def gmm_obj(b,W):
return N * (f_sum(b).T/N) @ W @ (f_sum(b)/N)
# Asymptotic Variance
def gmm_Var(N,Q,Omega,W):
return inv(Q.T @ W @ Q) @ (Q.T @ W @ Omega @ W @ Q) @ inv(Q.T @ W @ Q) / N
# Estimation
gmm_optim1 = minimize(gmm_obj, randn(np.shape(X)[1]), args=W)
gmm_beta1 = gmm_optim1.x
gmm_Q1 = jacobian(f_sum)(gmm_beta1) / N
gmm_Omega1 = f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X, Z).T @ f_ortho(gmm_beta1, y, X, Z) / N
gmm_Var1 = gmm_Var(N, gmm_Q1, gmm_Omega1, W)
gmm_sigma1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(gmm_Var1))
# One-step vs Two-step
if two_step==False:
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1]
W = inv(gmm_Omega1)
gmm_optim2 = minimize(gmm_obj, randn(np.shape(X)[1]), args=W)
gmm_beta2 = gmm_optim2.x
gmm_Q2 = jacobian(f_sum)(gmm_optim2.x) / N
gmm_Omega2 = f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X, Z).T @ f_ortho(gmm_beta2, y, X, Z) / N
gmm_Var2 = gmm_Var(N,gmm_Q2, gmm_Omega2, W)
gmm_sigma2 = np.sqrt(np.diag(gmm_Var2))
return [gmm_beta1, gmm_sigma1, gmm_beta2, gmm_sigma2]
There is a small difference between two-step GMM and One-step GMM with \(W=(Z'Z)^{-1}\) because two-step GMM uses the updated weighting matrix \(\hat{W}\) from the first step. As you increase \(N\), this difference will disappear. If we use \(W=(Z'Z)^{-1}\) in the first step, we would see no difference.
liv_ols <- liv_formula(x, x, y);
liv_z1 <- liv_formula(x, z_z1, y);
liv_z2 <- liv_formula(x, z_z2, y);
liv_2sls_z1 <- liv_2sls(x, z_z1, y);
liv_2sls_z2 <- liv_2sls(x, z_z2, y);
liv_2sls_overid <- liv_2sls(x, z_overid, y);
liv_gmm_overid <- liv_gmm(x, z_overid, y, two_step = TRUE);
print_liv(b_liv, liv_ols, liv_z1, liv_z2,
liv_2sls_z1, liv_2sls_z2, liv_2sls_overid, liv_gmm_overid)
## DGP : b1 b2 b3
## : 0.5000 1.2500 -1.5000
## -------------------------------------------
## Formula :
## -------------------------------------------
## No instrument
## b_hat : 0.5129 1.2565 -1.2483
## s_hat : ( 0.0171) ( 0.0171) ( 0.0119)
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5159 1.2689 -1.4753
## s_hat : ( 0.0174) ( 0.0174) ( 0.0534)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.4968 1.2654 -1.5434
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0630)
## -------------------------------------------
## 2SLS :
## -------------------------------------------
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2533 -1.5158
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0537)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2530 -1.5331
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0629)
## Overidentified
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2532 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)
## -------------------------------------------
## GMM :
## -------------------------------------------
## One-step
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2531 -1.5262
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0368)
## Two-step
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2531 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)
liv_ols = liv_formula(X, X, y);
liv_z1 = liv_formula(X, Z_Z1, y);
liv_z2 = liv_formula(X, Z_Z2, y);
liv_2sls_z1 = liv_2sls(X, Z_Z1, y);
liv_2sls_z2 = liv_2sls(X, Z_Z2, y);
liv_2sls_overid = liv_2sls(X, Z_overid, y);
liv_gmm_overid = liv_gmm(X, Z_overid, y, I, true);
print_liv(b_liv, liv_ols, liv_z1, liv_z2,
liv_2sls_z1, liv_2sls_z2, liv_2sls_overid, liv_gmm_overid)
## DGP : b1 b2 b3
## : 0.5000 1.2500 -1.5000
## -------------------------------------------
## Formula :
## -------------------------------------------
## No instrument
## b_hat : 0.5129 1.2564 -1.2483
## s_hat : ( 0.0171) ( 0.0171) ( 0.0119)
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5159 1.2689 -1.4752
## s_hat : ( 0.0174) ( 0.0174) ( 0.0534)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.4967 1.2654 -1.5434
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0630)
## -------------------------------------------
## 2SLS :
## -------------------------------------------
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2532 -1.5158
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0537)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.5166 1.2530 -1.5332
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0629)
## Overidentified
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2532 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)
## -------------------------------------------
## GMM :
## -------------------------------------------
## One-step
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2531 -1.5262
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0368)
## Two-step
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2531 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)
liv_ols = liv_formula(X, X, y)
liv_z1 = liv_formula(X, Z_Z1, y)
liv_z2 = liv_formula(X, Z_Z2, y)
liv_2sls_z1 = liv_2sls(X, Z_Z1, y)
liv_2sls_z2 = liv_2sls(X, Z_Z2, y)
liv_2sls_overid = liv_2sls(X, Z_overid, y)
liv_gmm_overid = liv_gmm(X, Z_overid, y, np.identity(np.shape(Z_overid)[1]), True)
print_liv(b_liv, liv_ols, liv_z1, liv_z2,
liv_2sls_z1, liv_2sls_z2, liv_2sls_overid, liv_gmm_overid)
## DGP : b1 b2 b3
## : 0.5000 1.2500 -1.5000
## -------------------------------------------
## Formula :
## -------------------------------------------
## No instrument
## b_hat : 0.5129 1.2564 -1.2483
## s_hat : ( 0.0171) ( 0.0171) ( 0.0119)
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5159 1.2689 -1.4752
## s_hat : ( 0.0174) ( 0.0174) ( 0.0534)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.4967 1.2654 -1.5434
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0630)
## -------------------------------------------
## 2SLS :
## -------------------------------------------
## Using Z1
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2532 -1.5158
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0537)
## Using Z2
## b_hat : 0.5166 1.2530 -1.5332
## s_hat : ( 0.0176) ( 0.0176) ( 0.0629)
## Overidentified
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2532 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)
## -------------------------------------------
## GMM :
## -------------------------------------------
## One-step
## b_hat : 0.5165 1.2531 -1.5262
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0368)
## Two-step
## b_hat : 0.5164 1.2531 -1.5235
## s_hat : ( 0.0175) ( 0.0175) ( 0.0337)